At Washington University in St. Louis, the increasing degrees of socioeconomic diversity within the student body has become apparent. The Congress of the South 40 (CS40) has noticed how this has been affecting students, as several of our Executive Board members have been approached by students who needed help to attend certain events sponsored by our organization.

Therefore, we have decided to create the Archway Fund for the residents of the South 40. We have created this form that is publicly available to all South 40 residents. Only the CS40 Advisors will be able to view the responses. There is a $15 request limit per event (CS40 will not sell tickets at a price greater than $15 for any event). Students must submit this form at least three business days in advance of the last day of ticket sales for an event. The amount of money requested will then be transferred into that student’s Bear Bucks account. If a ticket is not actually purchased, then that money will be returned to CS40 and removed from the student’s Bear Bucks account.

The CS40 Officer Board is extremely excited to present this initiative to everyone, and we cannot wait to see it in action! Please email Tyler Priest if you have any questions.