- Atlantic Express: Veronica, (314) 772-5151
- First Student: 1(866) 490-1020 or (314) 389-1111
School bus to rent for transportation to events off-campus. Fits approx. 44 person/bus.
*Note: Buses are paid for with a PO. Make sure to get the cell phone number of your driver(s) or have the dispatch number on hand for easier contact on the day of the event! Fill out a bus registration request online: http://bus.wustl.edu/. We generally try to requests the buses to the Alumni Lot (Lot 50). Note that buses cannot be parked on Shelpley Drive. You must be in contact with Stephanie at Parking & Transportation about where the buses can load.
- Bon Appétit: wucatering@cafebonappetit.com, (314) 935‐5054 (Contact: Rosemary)
There are certain places on campus that can only be catered by Bon Appétit and do not allow outside food (such as College Hall.) Their catering menu can be found on their website. Orders must be placed 72 hours in advance. We pay them using an IDO.
Clean up
- Aramark: (314)935‐5030
*Note: Clean up services are required for all events on main campus, in spaces like Graham Chapel or the DUC. These are not automatically set up when you request a room through event services. You must call independently to request a quote and reserve their services. If asking Aramark to set up for your event, make sure to provide information about furniture location.
Food Delivery
- 569dine.com: (314)569‐DINE
This is not usually necessary because many places have delivery options.
Grounds and Housekeeping
- Electrician: Alan Wieter, (314) 935-8683
Alan Wieter is the zone manager for the South 40 and can coordinate an electrician on duty for events that include a DJ or other sound/light equipment. He is also someone to contact when doing an event on the swamp, other large scale outdoor event, or if you need to turn on the water spigot.
- Grounds Manager: Kent Theiling, (314) 935-4533
Kent Theiling is your Grounds Manager contact if you are going to need trash cans for an event. He is also the person to contact to get the sprinklers shut off on the Swamp for an event or to rent a hose for the water spigot.
Police Department
- WUPD: Chief Don Strom or Sgt. Mark Glenn, (314) 935-5555
Notify the police department about large‐scale events held outside at night (i.e.Club40), or that will be loud,(e.g.WU Stock). Sgt. Mark Glenn has been our main contact for large events. Give them at least a week’s notice.
- Hi/TecCopyCenter*: (314)863‐4111
- FedEx Kinkos*: (314)963‐2700
- St.Louis Trophy and Engraving: (314)991‐2250
*We have blanket order numbers for these locations so you do not have to use your pro‐card, speak to an advisor to obtain this number before you order.
- Weinhardt Party Rentals……………………(314)822‐9000
Our go-to for cotton candy machines, stages, etc.
- AIRCO Audio,Inc………………………………(314)429‐1414
Brandi Welty is the president of this sound & lighting production company
Space Reservations
- South 40 Reservations: Karla Aikens, (314)935‐5037
(Online form at reslife.wustl.edu)
- Main Campus Reservations: Event Management, eventmanagement.wustl.edu, (314)935-5234
For a list of spaces reserved through event services,see their website. These include the DUC, Graham Chapel, Oak Walk Banners, etc.
- Underpass: Student Union Business Manager (go to the SU office in the DUC.)
This is only if you want to use a section other than our permanent location
- B&D Security: (314)878‐2424
- Central States Trailways: Larry, (800)825‐8273
A shuttle company within St.Louis, offers all sizes and is the least expensive.
- St. Louis Sportswear: Dan Egan
- On the Edge: Dan Flanagan, (314)735‐6912
Always, always, make sure you abide by Res Life, main campus posting, and space policies. They can be found on the Res Life Website, and the Event Services website.